Current articles from the world of power generators.

Auf Stromausfälle vorbereitet – Wie funktioniert ein Notstromaggregat?
Unternehmen wie Privathaushalte profitieren in Notfallsituationen wie Stromausfällen von einer alternativen Stromquelle, die unabhängig des öffentlichen Stromnetzes agiert. So können trotz Stromausfall weiterhin Kühlschränke, Lampen

Unterschied zwischen Asynchrongenerator und Synchrongenerator: Ein Überblick
Stromerzeuger und Notfallgeneratoren spielen eine wesentliche Rolle in der heutigen Energieversorgung. Dabei lassen sich viele verschiedene Generatortypen finden und unterscheiden – je nach Motor, Aufbau

Notstromaggregat liefert keinen Strom? – Stromerzeuger neu erregen
Ein Stromerzeuger, der keinen oder nur sehr wenig Strom liefert, ist eine frustrierende Erfahrung, vor allem in Notfällen, wenn er als zuverlässige Stromquelle dienen soll.

Running a generator with heating oil - is that possible?
Would you prefer to run your diesel generator on heating oil instead of diesel, either due to a lack of fuel or for personal reasons? But is this even

How does an inverter generator work?
Inverter generators have gained popularity in recent years, especially among outdoor enthusiasts, travelers and as an emergency power supply for households. But how does an inverter generator work, what exactly

Emergency generator for continuous operation: What you need to consider
The use of emergency power generators in continuous operation brings with it special challenges. To ensure safety and efficiency, you need to consider various factors such as performance, cooling, fuel supply

Emergency power generator consumption: What you should know
In times of unforeseen power outages, an emergency power generator becomes an indispensable companion. It ensures that essential appliances such as refrigerators, heaters and means of communication continue to operate

Making the generator quieter: How to “quiet” your generator
Generators are versatile helpers, e.g. as an emergency power supply, on construction sites, when camping or in other situations where a reliable power source is required. But how many

Operating emergency generators safely in the garage or cellar: how it works
Emergency power generators are indispensable devices that ensure a continuous power supply in emergencies. They are primarily used in the event of power failures and can be used for critical functions in households.

How long does a power generator or emergency power generator last? Tips for extending the service life
Power generators, also known as emergency generators, are indispensable devices when it comes to supplying electricity in emergencies or in remote areas. Whether for a

Emergency generators for domestic power supplies - interesting facts for homeowners
In times of increasing dependence on electrical energy and rising electricity prices, ensuring a stable and affordable power supply is becoming ever more important. Emergency power units and generators offer homeowners

Grounding the emergency generator: Step-by-step instructions and important safety tips
An emergency generator can be a valuable source of power in emergencies, during power outages or on construction sites. To ensure that it can be operated safely, proper earthing of the

Connecting the emergency generator to the domestic power supply - tips and instructions for safe installation
Generators are indispensable devices for ensuring a reliable power supply in the event of power outages or in remote areas. The correct installation and safe connection of a generator are

Emergency power vs. backup power: what is the difference?
Is there a difference between emergency power and backup power? In everyday life and especially in critical situations, a constant power supply is of crucial importance. Failures can

Calculating Power Requirements: How to Find the Right Generator Size
You want to invest in a generator or a backup power unit but don't know what capacity the generator needs to provide to ensure the supply of essential needs in case of an emergency.

Which Backup Generator: Diesel or Gasoline? Tips for Choosing a Power Generator
In our modern world, where electricity plays a fundamental role in almost all aspects of daily life, the importance of power generators is undeniable. Whether for
Renting a Power Generator
We have access to over 2,000 generators nationwide, ranging from 15 to 2,000 kVA. Choose the desired generator and complete your inquiry.
Light towers for rent
At HO-MA, you can rent various mobile light towers directly. Take a look at the different products and submit an inquiry.
Rent transformers
Transformers are particularly needed when paralleling multiple power generators. At HO-MA, you can rent reliable transformers with up to 5,000 kVA.
Rental references
Numerous companies are satisfied customers of HO-MA and regularly rent power generators, light towers, and more. Here is an excerpt.