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Regular maintenance and inspections...
...ensure operational and functional capability in case of emergencies. HO-MA Notstrom has been a reliable partner for emergency power generators and power generators for over 30 years. We specialize in emergency power technology and offer services, rentals, sales, and manufacturing.
Power generators in all sizes
For over 20 years, HO-MA Emergency Power has been a reliable partner for emergency power generators and power generators. We specialize in emergency power technology and offer service, rental, sales, and manufacturing.
Always there for you in Potsdam too!
… starting now, we are also here for you in Potsdam! David-Gilly-Str. 1, 14469 Potsdam
The optimal solution for your project!
We assist you in your needs analysis beforehand and convince you with quality, reliability, and a transparent offer.
A special place for you!
The HO-MA Elektro Aggregate Service GmbH is always looking for motivated, reliable, and skilled employees. The range of professions is diverse, ranging from locksmiths, electricians, mechatronics technicians, industrial mechanics, office clerks to engineers.

Your specialist for power generators

Emergency power generators and power generators: Service, rental, sales, and manufacturing

Emergency power generators, power generators, and backup power systems have been the business of HO-MA Notstrom for over 30 years.

We are TÜV-certified and operate in four areas of expertise. In the service sector, our highly specialized emergency power technicians take care of regular maintenance and ensure the quickest possible troubleshooting for engine and control systems of backup power systems. With our 24-hour emergency service, we guarantee our customers maximum availability of their emergency power generators. For rentals, we have over 2,000 power generators available nationwide, ranging from 15 to 2,000 kVA. Our range of emergency power technology is completed by lighting towers, fuel tanks, distribution panels, cables, as well as transformers and load resistors, which can also be rented from us.

We operate throughout Germany. The sale of power generators, lighting towers, and particulate filters is also part of our range of services.

You can directly purchase mobile power generators with capacities ranging from 1 to 15 kVA, PTO generators and water pumps from us online. For larger power generators in canopy or container construction with up to 2,500 kVA, you can freely configure them using the corresponding inquiry form. We will get back to you as soon as possible with a suitable offer. As an official dealer of well-known manufacturers, we always offer a top price-performance ratio. Additionally, feel free to contact us if you require customized container generators, open power generators tailored to your specifications, or precisely manufactured particulate filters for your system. Smaller backup power systems can be ordered directly from our online shop.


HO-MA offers you a wide range of services related to power generators and emergency power units. In addition to maintenance and repairs, we are also the right partner for refurbishments, modernizations, and the installation of power generators and backup power systems.

Rent power generators

In the rental sector, we have access to over 2,000 soundproofed quality generators ranging from 15 to 2,000 kVA across Germany. Additionally, you can also rent various tanks, light towers, and other emergency power equipment directly from us.

Purchase power generators

We are an official dealer of leading manufacturers, allowing us to offer you high-quality power generators ranging from 1 to 2,500 kVA for sale. We always have small generators and water pumps in stock. Additionally, we offer light towers and particulate filters.


Our subsidiary produces custom container generators, open power generators, and particulate filters with the highest precision. Learn more about the products of the HO-MA Notstrom Sonder- und Anlagenbau GmbH and get in touch.

We don't introduce ourselves. We convince you!

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Satisfied customers
Supervised facilities

Unser Leistungsangebot






Environmental protection is important to us

In order to further improve our environmental footprint, we donate a new tree for larger orders and especially for every maintenance contract concluded with you.

Modernste Lichtmasten zum Kaufen und Mieten
Neben Stromaggregaten können Sie bei HO-MA verschiedene mobile Lichtmasten ausleihen oder käuflich erwerben. Die Lichtmasten stammen vom Weltmarktführer auf diesem Gebiet und sind in der Lage sehr große Flächen auszuleuchten.
Rent a light pole
Reduction of noise & pollutant emissions
Nahezu 99% der Rußpartikel können mit einem individuell gefertigten Rußpartikelfilter von HO-MA gefiltert werden, so dass selbst die strengsten Vorschriften eingehalten werden. Zudem wird die Schallleistung um bis zu 20% reduziert.
Particulate filter
Small generators with power up to 15 kVA
Sie können bei uns zahlreiche kleine Benzin oder Diesel Stromerzeuger mit Leistungen von 1 bis 15 kVA direkt online kaufen. Alle Geräte sind von führenden Herstellern. Auch leise Inverter oder DIN Stromerzeuger sind Teil unseres Sortiments.
Small power generators
Zuverlässig und robust: Die Rental-Serie
Die Rental-Serie verbindet Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit. Die Aggregate sind insbesondere für Vermieter geeignet, da die Stromerzeuger durch eine kompakte Bauweise, geringe Schallwerte, einfache Bedienung und höchste Sicherheit überzeugen.
Die Rental-Serie
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You can reach us here:

Berlin | (030) 36 75 86 – 130
Hamburg | (040) 30 931 891
Leipzig | (034 207) 40 15 80

General & Accounting:
(030) 36 75 86 – 100

You can reach us here:

Customer Service:
(030) 36 75 86-130

Vermietung & Verkauf:
(030) 2237 4756 22

General & Accounting:
(030) 2237 4756 22

(030) 36 75 86-199
