Available around the clock
Service: (030) 36 75 86-110
Rental: (030) 36 75 86-112

Available at any time in case of emergency
For disruptions outside regular working hours, our maintenance contract customers and rental customers have access to our 24/7 emergency service. We are available to assist you promptly in case of any issues, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. If a temporary replacement of your backup power system is required, we will promptly arrange a rental generator for you. Everything from a single source!
We have access to over 2,000 rental generators ranging from 15 to 2,000 kVA. By synchronizing multiple units, even higher power capacities can be achieved. With us, you can expect optimal support, minimal risk of downtime, and maximum operational reliability.
Our 24/7 service emergency hotline:
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