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...but properly!

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Monthly load test

When it comes to it, do it properly!

Only the proper test run of your emergency power supply system ensures the smooth operation in case of emergencies

Did you know how important a monthly test run for your emergency power supply system is? However, it depends on the right method. Only through a test run under real operating conditions, meaning with a real load on your emergency power supply system, can the full functionality bechecked.


The proper test run with a load resistor or in parallel operation with the grid

To test the real operation of the emergency power supply system, it must be operated monthly for at least one hour, depending on applicable regulations, at 50 - 60% of the rated power, and in hospitals, even at 80%. Often, the consumer load is insufficient, and a load resistor must be used. This simulates the required load to effectively test the emergency power supply system. This provides assurance that the emergency power supply system can deliver sufficient power for smooth operation in case of an emergency. The qualified HO-MA emergency power technicians take care of the entire process of the proper test run independently, making it simple, convenient, and safe. Large systems are often prepared for grid parallel operation, eliminating the need for a load resistor, as the HO-MA emergency power technician can load the emergency power supply system with the public grid.


Was the load test performed incorrectly?

The wrong approach: Load test without any load

A load test without any load is not advisable and can even cause significant damage to your emergency power supply system. If this test is still performed, it should not last longer than 10 minutes. This can only test the startup of the emergency power supply system.

Low load = big problems

Operating at less than 30% of the rated capacity, the engine does not run under optimal operating conditions, and it can lead to a complete failure of your emergency power supply system. The following disadvantages arise from a 'load-free test run' for you:

  • Thermostats do not reach their opening temperatures, cooling circuit does not open. Risk of radiator sludging.
  •  Exhaust system does not reach self-cleaning temperature. Particulate filter clogs.
  • Fuel supply is not circulated. Risk of fuel 'going bad' or stagnation.
  • Engine does not develop boost pressure, thus no check of turbocharger and boost pressure system for functionality.
  • Condensation water in the engine cannot evaporate, causing the engine oil to lose viscosity.
  • Valve seats carbonize and do not close completely, posing a risk of valve damage.

The engine has a shorter lifespan, maintenance intervals need to be shortened, and wear materials such as oil and filters must be replaced at shorter intervals.

Ensure your safety now!

Der monatliche Last- bzw. Probelauf wird oft falsch und nicht vom Fachmann ausgeführt.

Dies kann kostenintensive Folgen nach sich ziehen und sollte schnellstmöglich geändert werden.

Routine maintenance

HO-MA company is a certified specialist business and can therefore handle all maintenance work for you. We strictly adhere to legal regulations and promptly and professionally take care of any necessary tasks that may arise.

Our qualifications

Our company has been awarded various certificates that authorize us for installation and other work in the field of emergency power technology. Since our establishment in 1993, our team has been committed to continuously optimizing work processes and procedures.

Operating nationwide in Germany

Our service area is covered by four locations in Germany. As a result, our repair and maintenance customers benefit from fast response times and low travel costs. We are also able to quickly respond to emergencies and be on-site as soon as possible.

24-hour emergency service

Our maintenance customers can contact our emergency service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In case of a breakdown, we will be there for you as quickly as possible. If needed, we can promptly provide one of our 2,000 rental units.

You can reach us here:

Berlin | (030) 36 75 86 – 130
Hamburg | (040) 30 931 891
Leipzig | (034 207) 40 15 80

General & Accounting:
(030) 36 75 86 – 100

You can reach us here:

Customer Service:
(030) 36 75 86-130

Vermietung & Verkauf:
(030) 2237 4756 22

General & Accounting:
(030) 2237 4756 22

(030) 36 75 86-199
