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Selection guide

Important information about choosing the right unit

When using power generators, there are various important factors that are crucial for selecting the appropriate generator to ensure a flawless and safe supply of technical systems and equipment. Incorrect sizing of the generator can lead to damage to both the consumers and the generator itself. For this reason, you should have the following requirement data ready for a specific inquiry.

Wichtige Fragen zur Diesel-Stromaggregat-Auswahl

What is the frequency (50 / 60 Hz) and power factor (Cos φ) of the consumers? Are there high inrush currents? Is the installation location easily accessible, and what is its condition? For what duration will the generator be used? What is the total load (in amperes) required?


sample calculation

The following example calculation illustrates the determination of the total active power (P total):

Consumer 1:                                 200 kW
Consumer 2:                                 175 kW
Consumer 3:                                   50 kW
Consumer 4:                                   25 kW
Total active power (Ptot.): 450 kW

Converting kW to kVA (Scheinleistung S in kVA, Wirkleistung P in kW):
S = P / cos(φ) = 450 kW / 0,8 = 562,5 kVA

You should always allow for a reserve of 25% to avoid possible power fluctuations: 562,5 kVA + 25 % = 703,2 kVA
All services are based on 3 phases (three-phase 400V).

Other important information

If the generator is to be operated in grid parallel mode or in peak load operation, it should be noted that only 80% of the power is available continuously.

An electric motor (depending on its type and purpose) can require up to 8 times its power during loaded startup. A generator can temporarily provide twice its rated power.
This means that the starting current of the consumer is an important factor. The genset must be able to cope with the starting current, otherwise it would simply run out if the load was too high. As a rule of thumb, a 100 kVA genset = 80 kW = 144 A with a cos φ = 0.8. The diesel consumption is approximately 20 l per 100 kVA consumed at full load. This means, for example, that a 50 kVA genset operating at half load consumes around 5 liters of fuel per hour.

Renting a Power Generator

We have access to over 2,000 generators nationwide, ranging from 15 to 2,000 kVA. Choose the desired generator and complete your inquiry.

Rent fuel tanks

We offer external, double-walled fuel tanks (IBCs and tank containers) with a capacity of 1,300–11,500 liters that you can rent directly.

Rent transformers

Transformers are particularly needed when paralleling multiple power generators. At HO-MA, you can rent reliable transformers with up to 5,000 kVA.

Rent a light pole

In addition to power generators, at HO-MA, you can rent and even purchase various mobile light towers. These light towers come from the world leader in this field and can illuminate incredibly large areas.

You can reach us here:

Berlin | (030) 36 75 86 – 130
Hamburg | (040) 30 931 891
Leipzig | (034 207) 40 15 80

General & Accounting:
(030) 36 75 86 – 100

You can reach us here:

Customer Service:
(030) 36 75 86-130

Vermietung & Verkauf:
(030) 2237 4756 22

General & Accounting:
(030) 2237 4756 22

(030) 36 75 86-199
