Inverter-Stromerzeuger kaufen – unsere praktischen Stromlösungen von SDMO
Einen Inverter-Stromerzeuger zu kaufen, stellt eine hervorragende Investition dar. Denn mit einem solchen handlichen, mobilen Aggregat haben Sie Zugang zu Energie, wann und wo Sie möchten. Das zahlt sich beispielsweise aus, wenn Sie auf einem Platz ohne Steckdosen Rast machen. Auch beim Wildcamping und bei Roadtrips sind unsere zuverlässigen und kompakten Generatoren die erste Wahl in Sachen Stromerzeugung.
Our Inverter generators verursachen nur geringe Schallemissionen und sind perfekt für einen ruhigen Campingaufenthalt geeignet. Sie müssen sich nicht sorgen, einen Nachbarn auf dem Campingplatz oder die Ruhe der Natur zu stören. Alle unsere Inverter-Notstromaggregate von SDMO sind schallgedämpft. Sie unterschreiten die für viele Einsatzgebiete verbindliche LwA-Schallleistungsgrenze von 95 dB(A) mit 60 bis 61 dB(A) deutlich.
Nicht zuletzt sind unsere Geräte kraftstoffsparendund lassen sich umweltschonendbetreiben. Unsere Inverter-Stromerzeuger werden mit Benzin befüllt und verbrauchen je nach Gerät nur 0,9 bis 1,3 Liter Kraftstoff pro Stunde.
Die Features unserer Inverter-Notstromaggregate im Überblick:
12-volt battery charger with outstanding price-to-performance ratio.
High voltage and frequency stability (inverter)
Very quiet operation: 60 to 61 dB(A).
Low fuel consumption (gasoline).
Compact, space-saving design with a large tank volume (4.2 to 13 liters).
Overload protection as well as oil deficiency shutdown.
Our specialists are available to answer your questions by phone Monday to Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and on Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.:
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Areas of application and special features
Inverter generators are often used for camping purposes. Especially when you're parked freely with your motorhome, a reliable power source is essential. Whether it's for charging the battery or operating a hairdryer, even coffee machines should be powered by "clean" sine wave electricity with a consistent voltage, which is achieved through an inverter generator. Another aspect that supports their use during camping is their low noise emission. All of the inverter generators we offer are soundproofed and significantly below the mandatory sound power level limit of 95 dB(A) for many applications. Mobile power generators like the SDMO Inverter Pro 3000 E Despite their high power output, they exhibit a sound power level of only 88 dB(A). When comparing various inverter generators, make sure to pay attention to the mandatory LwA value. Many providers advertise the sound pressure level, which is usually measured by the manufacturer at a distance of 7 meters. For the sake of completeness, both pieces of information are provided for all of our generators.
Nonetheless, no gasoline or diesel-powered electricity generator is truly whisper-quiet. Especially when camping, you should avoid running your generator at night. Many of these devices come with automatic speed adjustments, which further reduce noise levels and are environmentally friendly due to lower fuel consumption. The Silent series from the German manufacturer Endress – such as the ESE 2000 T – has even been awarded the Blue Angel certification.
Practical and mobile.
Our inverter power generators have been designed in an ultralight construction. Thanks to the sound-insulated plastic casings, even the smaller devices are lightweight and very easy to transport. Larger generators, which are more powerful and therefore heavier, come with wheels and are additionally equipped with convenient carrying handles. If you have questions about technical details or, for instance, want to know how much power your generator requires, visit our Selection guide or simply give us a call. Our experts are available to assist you from Monday to Thursday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, and on Fridays until 1:00 PM, by phone at the number (030) 36 75 86 140 available
Full power for computers, kitchen appliances, and more thanks to the power generator.
Mit einem Inverter-Stromerzeuger von HO-MA Notstrom kaufen Sie Strom in Steckdosen-Qualität. Unsere Aggregate versorgen handliche Geräte wie Laptops, Tablets oder Föhne optimal mit Energie. Ebenso lassen sich größere Geräte wie Fernseher, Kaffeeautomaten oder Mikrowellen im Wohnwagen und Wohnmobil betreiben. Dank Stromgenerator müssen Sie in Ihrem Urlaub nicht auf Komfort verzichten und können die freie Zeit mit allen technischen Annehmlichkeiten genießen.
Inverter generators: Buy your device now at HO-MA Notstrom!
Bestellen Sie jetzt Ihren Inverter-Stromerzeuger in unserem Onlineshop. Wir liefern das Wunschgerät versandkostenfrei in ca. sieben Tagen aus. Sie überlegen, ob Sie einen Inverter-Stromerzeuger kaufen sollten und haben weitere Fragen? Dann beraten wir Sie gerne: Melden Sie sich telefonisch bei unserer Verkaufsberatung oder nutzen Sie das Kontaktformular.
Inverter generators: Buy proven quality at HO-MA Notstrom!
Those looking to purchase an inverter generator from HO-MA Notstrom can look forward to a high-quality product. Our devices are powerful, quiet, and feature optimized voltage and frequency stability.
Many "budget generators" produce electricity with minimal voltage and frequency fluctuations. This can sometimes have a negative impact on the devices being powered. Laptops, TVs, or microwaves require a constant voltage and power frequency – otherwise, the technology can potentially be damaged. The generators from HO-MA Notstrom provide a constant power frequency. The inverter technology ensures optimal sine wave output, ensuring flawless and safe operation of your equipment.
Independent Security: the Emergency Power Supply
You can secure your home or business with a backup generator. During a power outage, essential devices will continue to function. In this article, you will learn how to establish an independent emergency power supply.
Generators for camping should be as compact and quiet as possible. You can find small, portable power generators at the following link that will make every camper's heart beat faster and possess exactly these characteristics.
When a generator has a sound power level (LwA) below 95 dB(A), it's considered a quiet power generator. On the following page, you'll find such generators, including some quiet diesel-powered ones.
You can also buy mobile motor water pumps directly from us online. We offer gasoline and diesel devices for pumping clear liquids, mud, chemicals, and even liquids with solid particles.