For scheduled maintenance according to applicable legal regulations, we offer you various models.

If you have any issues with your emergency power system, we will promptly rectify the cause.

A monthly load test performed by professionals prevents costly repairs and ensures the operational readiness of your emergency power supply system.

The most important inspection for the safety of your emergency power supply system. Optionally, also available with a rental unit.

Der Fußboden muss als Wanne für wassergefährdende Stoffe ausgeführt sein. Wir stellen beschädigte Fußböden wieder her und sorgen so für das Einhalten der Vorschriften.

Through five service locations, we guarantee the fastest possible response times nationwide.

For disruptions outside of regular working hours, our 24-hour emergency service is available to our customers.

You can reach us here:

Berlin | (030) 36 75 86 – 130
Hamburg | (040) 30 931 891
Leipzig | (034 207) 40 15 80

General & Accounting:
(030) 36 75 86 – 100

You can reach us here:

Customer Service:
(030) 36 75 86-130

Vermietung & Verkauf:
(030) 2237 4756 22

General & Accounting:
(030) 2237 4756 22

(030) 36 75 86-199
